
We use a team-effort method to maximize our ministry's effectiveness.

Our System

How We Operate

We will operate through a system. Why a System? Systems remove the stress of any working organization and certainly can be used to minimize the stress of ministry. Ministry is more than preaching the gospel – it is helping, serving and walking alongside people through their struggles. Systems, in general, allows us to work smarter, not HARDER!!

Team Effort

What is a Team? A group of players that comes together to achieve a common goal. A Team cannot exist without a Team Leader and a Team Leader cannot exist without members. This means that through the Human Activity System, we will create Teams that are equipped to address any issue that is set before us.

Why Use A System?

We will use the Human Activity System. This System is a group of individuals and their resources that are organized into a whole in order to accomplish a purpose. It uses human inter-linked activities to understand and become fully aware of transformation. In other words, we will influence each other by joining and connecting with our gifts, talents, and abilities. This System operates at 3 levels:

  1. It serves the purpose of its collective entity (Organic Church).  
  2. It serves the purpose of its members (the community); and 
  3. It serves the environment which is the larger system it is embedded in.


Under this System, individuals cannot live by rules alone, but has to be guided in how to implement the rules – PEOPLE-SHOWING-PEOPLE HOW TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!  

The focus is to walk ALONGSIDE an individual during their struggles rather than provide them with a list of rules and tell them to move on.  Through the Church’s non-profit organization (nextGen) we will provide all the necessary services and tools to help motivate, support, and encourage positive change in the area of mental, physical, social and emotional growth. Click on nextGen site for complete explanation of services.



This team-effort method will maximize effectiveness if the WE want to ensure that those who we connect with will NOT be overlooked or unassisted. A Team Leader is not a person TO BE SERVED, but rather a person who WILL SERVE!!! This would be a person who will work towards the common goal, which is to work alongside others while providing spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical growth.  

A Team Leader is responsible for building Team Members and empowering them, which means that every Team Leader will engage in outreach; looking for those who are seeking genuine help and assistance.

We also believe that a team method encourages people to duplicate themselves. The principle of “Success” is supporting and helping individuals become the BEST they can be.